Defeating Depression: 4 Real Steps to Owning Your Happiness

Mark Alan Effinger
3 min readJan 13, 2020

There were a few times (OK, more than a few) where the dark chasm of depression nearly took my life.
Many more that I allowed to steal life’s joy.

I don’t have all the answers.
Sure, the basics are clear:
Get plenty of sleep (but not all day!)
Get healthy (sleep and exercise are clinically proven better than Prozac).
Lay off the booze a bit. Smoke a little less weed.
Eliminate sh*tty people from your life.
Find something to be hopeful about.
Practice self-care.

Experiment with solutions until you are rockin’ again.

For me, an accidental trip to an MD/ND at his B&B in 1993 (that there’s a lyric just waitin’ for a 6-string!) saved my life. Within the hour he ballparked the issue. Within 4 days, he had real answers:

Hypothyroidism (from a combo of overwork, stress, historical Accutane use, lack of sun, poor exercise/training routine, mercury and lead exposure as a geeky kid) — that was my Krytonite.

The solution?: A little desiccated thyroid (from New Zealand free-range bovine). And a six short weeks of recuperation.

I went from nearly suicidal to nearly Mick Jaggar.
From chronically ragged to rock star.

The big epiphany was:
YOU (Me and You) can own our health and happiness.
In fact, it’s mandatory.

Once you realize that.
Once you take command.
Make it your mission to live badassedly.
The world will open up and rejoice at your discovery.

Here’s something to try (and this is my path to better managing both my health, and my various expert practitioners).

1) Do your own research. Your GP, and often your Specialist, they’re maxed-out just trying to run their practice. Handle insurance billings. Keep up with state requirements.

Help them out by doing real research: (NCBI/PubMed/Examine/SelfHacked). There’s a wealth of research out there just waiting for you to discover. Some of these insights will be major epiphanies into your campaign toward happiness.

2) Collect the most science-backed insights. Print them out.
Highlight the areas that most apply to your possible issues.

3) If it’s within the scope of your interest and ability, apply what you’ve learned and document your results. This will be invaluable to your medical professional. And maybe, to you as well. (Be careful. Be intentional. Don’t do anything dangerous. I’m not a doctor. Seriously).

That said, don’t be afraid to dip your toe in the water of your own health. Just watch for and research interactions with your existing physical and mental issues. And any meds/supplements/herbs you may be currently using. Engage your specialist(s) as early as possible in the process.

4) Bring that pile of papers and insights when you visit your medical professional (or ND, if that’s how you roll…;-)

You’ll infuse your world with Hopenol.

You’ll collaborate with your doctor in a positive way.
And, just maybe, you’ll smile as you realize you’ve moved from victim to victor.

And that, my friends, makes all the difference in the world.
Here’s to YOU, owning your health and happiness.

Totally true. Backed by science. And, occasionally, woo woo, too.



Mark Alan Effinger

Entrepreneur. Biohacker. Athlete. Designer. Dad. Occasional Smarty Pants.